Improving the Masonry Brick Ductility using Mortar Bed Joint from Rubber Tire Crumbs: A Review

To cite this article: Faizah, R. et al. (2018). Improving the masonry brick ductility using mortar bed joint from rubber tire crumbs: A review. J. Phys. Sci., 29(Supp. 2), 117–132,


Rubber tire waste is relatively difficult to be recycled into new tires. The volume of the tire wastes increases with the societal needs and time. Many efforts have utilised rubber tire wastes as an additional material in pavements, geotechnical work and concrete. However, a relatively small number of research works have been applying the wastes to improve the performance of masonry brick wall. This paper presents a review of previous studies on the application of rubber tire crumbs in structural elements and its possibilities to improve the performance of masonry brick walls. Many research works concluded that the rubber tire crumbs are potential materials in the mortar bed joint to increase the ductility of masonry brick wall. The use of rubber tire crumbs as mortar bed joint in masonry brick wall shows a large elastic deformation before failure. This paper recommends 60% of rubber tire crumbs in the mortar bed joint as an optimum amount to increase the ductility of masonry brick wall. At optimum amount, the mortar can be classified as lightweight concrete/mortar and meets the minimum requirement for the compressive strength of masonry wall. The review also recommends a laboratory experiment to study the contribution of mortar bed joint using rubber tire crumbs in load-deflection behaviour and ductility of the masonry brick wall. A finite element model needs to be developed to have a general model of the masonry brick wall.


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