Effect of Different Prehydrolysis Processes on Lignin Extractability of Coconut Husk Fibres


Lignin is a biopolymer usable in many ways once it has been separated and delignified from biomass. In this training report, delignification of coconut husk fibres is performed, with the aim of recovering isolated lignin. In order to do so, different processes are carried out (autohydrolysis, dilute acid, organosolv and soda pulping treatments). The obtained lignin is characterised afterwards through Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), 1H and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) in order to check lignin presence and quality. Analyses show that lignin is indeed obtained in both experiments, though the yield is greater for the treatment with autohydrolysis. However, the global yield is quite low, adjustments of experimental parameters (time, temperature, ratio) shall be carried out.