Pycnoporus sanguineus as Potential Biosorbent for Heavy Metal Removal from Aqueous Solution: A Review


The development of a new treatment method to remove heavy metal ions from wastewater, which is cost effective and more efficient, is threatening to overcome conventional methods. The biosorption treatment technology has received much attention because it offers low-cost biosorbent and non-hazardous biomaterials. Biosorption of metal ions onto microorganisms involves a combination of the following metal-binding mechanisms: physical adsorption, ion exchange, complexation and precipitation. Previous works report that some microorganisms, such as bacteria, algae, yeast, fungi and cellulosic materials, are well known to be capable of adsorbing a large amount of metal ions. The purpose of this review paper is to provide information on the development of a biosorbent for heavy metal removal from white rot fungus, Pycnoporus sanguineus, which is less reported. Biosorption of metal ions onto this fungus largely depends on pH, initial metal concentration, temperature and biomass loading. Further, this fungus is an economical biosorbent because it can be reused several times and its applicability can be enhanced at an industrial scale.


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